E-mails.Letters are still the best form of communication for official correspondence.
In 11th Class,only Formal letters are in the syllabus.Let's discuss them and learn it.
For 1st Term,only Business or Official Letters(Making enquiries, registering complaints, asking for or giving information, placing orders and sending replies.) will be coming in the English examination.
Instructions to write a Formal Letter properly:
1)Read the question carefully to understand it properly.Make sure you understand the context of the letter.
2)Jot down the key points on the basis of which you will be needing to establish the content of the letter.Ensure that the body of the letter is in sync with the theme of the letter.
3)Ensure that the letter is coherent.That means that it should begin and end in a smooth and polished manner.That will help you bag you a few more marks.
4)Avoid elaborating a single point for too long.Be brief and precise.
5)Make sure you don't exceed the word limit drastically.For 11th students,the word limit ranges from 120-150 words.
6)Be polite and formal at all times.Strictly avoid using colloquial language.
Formal Letter's elements:
πSender's Address:
Make sure that the sender's address is clear and precise. Specify the house number first, followed by the street, town,state and pin code.This helps the reader to identify the address of the sender and helps in further correspondence.
Here,the date on which the letter is written is mentioned.Make sure you write the format in the given below format:
e.g. 17th September,2021
πReceiver's Address:
The date is followed by the receiver's address which contains the receiver's name,designation and address.Although it is optional to write the full address,make sure you write the most comprehensive address.
One of the most important parts of a letter is the subject.One must ensure that the subject expresses the main theme of the letter clearly.
The salutation used in formal letters is a greeting to the person to whom the letter
is addressed.You can add "Respected" before "Sir" or "Madam" directly to make it more polished.
πBody of Letter:
The body of the letter is arguably the most important part which contains all the information,the writer (you) wants to convey. For this, start with introducing the purpose of writing. Then,build up the topic to develop the interest of the reader by stating the causes, effects and solutions to the problem being discussed.
This part of the body states the purpose of writing.It presents your intention of writing the letter.
πii)Informative Paragraph-
This part of the body gives details of the problem, cause, effect, possible solution.This also contains what the receiver can do for you and or how he can attend to your query.
πiii)Concluding Paragraph-
This part of the body states your hope and comment and how you will be thankful to the receiver if he grants what you want.
πComplimentary Close:
This is a courteous and decent way of ending the letter. For this,we write "Yours sincerely";"Yours faithfully" and "Yours truly". The first letter of the second word is never written starting with a capital letter.
Just below the complimentary close,sender's name is written as a mark of signing off.If applicable,the sender's designation may be added.
These are some of the vital elements you need to keep in mind.
Business and Official Letters:
All those letters which are needed to be written while doing certain business or carrying out a formal work.
These includes letter of enquiry asking for certain information,placing or cancelling orders,letter of complaint,letters making request, sending acknowledgements.
Sender's Address
Receiver's Designation,
Receiver's Address
Subject of Letter
Body of the Letter
Complimentary Close and Signature
Let us discuss some examples of letter writing.These examples gives you some basic insights as to how to write a letter smoothly.
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